Rediscover your most authentic, connected self.

Psychotherapy for teens and adults in Wheat Ridge and Morrison, Colorado

species loneliness — a deep, unnamed sadness stemming from estrangement from the rest of creation, from the loss of relationship.
— Robin Wall Kimmerer

Together we can work on…

  • Over-intellectualization

  • Perfectionism

  • Distrust in self or others

  • People pleasing tendencies

  • Lack of confidence

  • Sense of belonging

  • Setting and maintaining boundaries

  • Relationship issues

  • Overwhelm and stress

  • EMDR

    EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It is an evidence-based modality for treating trauma and distressing life events. Through bilateral movements and dual attention stimuli, traumatic memories can be reprocessed, promoting the brain’s natural ability to heal. When partnered with nature and horses, EMDR becomes experiential and somatic, creating a holistic approach to healing.

  • Why Horses?

    Horses teach us how to live in the present moment while maintaining authenticity in relationship. Equine-assisted psychotherapy involves interactions with horses including observing the herd, grooming, leading, and groundwork. Creating connection and relationship with horses improves communication skills, self-confidence, awareness, and emotional regulation in a supportive, nonjudgmental environment.

  • Ecotherapy

    Sometimes we forget that we are nature. Nature-based therapy or ecotherapy facilitates a remembrance and reconnection to the interconnectedness we share with all living beings. In session, this could include walk and talks, mindfulness exercises, nature connection, and/or nature education. This work invites you to reconnect to your instincts, intuition, and the innate wisdom that we all possess so that you can feel a greater sense of belonging and well-being.